



A Hi Sue. Have you had a nice day?

A 嗨,苏。 你今天过得愉快吗?

B Yes, , Ping.

B 是的,谢谢你,平。

A What kind of food you like to eat ?


What do you ?


If you like hot and food, you try food.


Let's try that.



B I don't know. What do you ?

B 我不知道。你有什么建议?

A Well . . . if you like hot and food, we try food.

A 哦…如果你喜欢辛辣的食物,我们可以尝尝四川菜。

B Hmmm . . . I like food. Let's try that.

B 嗯….我喜欢辣的食物,咱们就尝尝四川菜。


1 To ask day, you can say : Have you had a nice day? / Have you had a nice day?; Did you have a nice day? / Did you have a nice day?

要礼貌地询问某人一天过得如何,你可以用几种说法:Have you had a nice day? / 你今天过得愉快吗?; Did you have a nice day? / 你今天过得愉快吗?

2 What kind of . . . ? / What kind of . . . ?. e.g.: What kind of food you like to eat ? / What kind of food you like to eat ?

记住What kind of . . . ? / 什么种类的…? 例如:: What kind of food you like to eat ? /你今晚想吃什?

3 You can , e.g. food, as hot and / hot and .

你可以这样描述某种食物的.特点,例如四川菜,hot and /辛辣的。

Key and


Have you had a nice day?


What kind of food you like to eat ?


A: , Mr. .Are you busy ?

A: 你好,克拉克先生。你今天忙吗?

B: , Lin. Yes, I've got a this at o'.

B: 你好,林。是的,我上午十一点将参加一个会议。

A: Ok, then. I'll see you . Bye.

A: 那么好。也许我过会再见你。再见。

B: , Lin.

B: 再见,林。

A: Good !

A: 早上好!

B: , Ping. How are you?

B: 你好,平。你好吗?

A: Busy! I'm a at 12 in .

A: 忙! 我12点将在星巴克见一个朋友。

B: Ok, see you this .

B: 好。今晚见。


1. Are you busy ? You can ask this to find out what plan are for or to find out what they are . (你今天忙吗?) 你可以这样问某人今天的计划是什么或者某人正在做什么。

2. ... you can use this to . is word you can use. (也许)这是用来表示可能性的.。 (可能)是另一个用来表示可能性的词。

3. , way of , if you know when you will see the , you can say:See you this . 另一种道再见的非正式说法是See you this (今晚见)。尤其当你知道何时还会与某人相见时使用这种说法。


A Hi, Sue. How are you this ?

A 嗨,苏!你今天早晨好吗?

B Hi, Yan. ! I'm fine. And you?

B 嗨,燕!早上好!我很好。你呢?

A I'm good. What you like to do ?

A 我很好。你今天想做什么?

B I'd like to buy some for my .

B 我想给我的孩子们买些礼物。

A That's a good idea. What kind of do you want to buy?

A 好主意。你想买什么?

B Some , . And some .

B 也许买几件衣服。也可能买一些中国的传统礼物。

A Ok. I know a good to go to.

A 好。我知道一个好地方。


1 If you want to ask what they like to do, e.g. (or , or the , or next week), you can say: What you like to do ? / What you like to do ?

如果你想问某人想做什么,比如今天(明天,周末或者下周),你可以说:What you like to do ? /你今天想做什么?

2 And if you want to say what you like to do, you can your : I'd like to . . . / I'd like to . . . e.g. I'd like to buy some / I'd like to buy some ; I'd like to go / I'd like to go .

如果你想说你想做什么,你可以这样开始:I'd like to . . . / 我想…例如I'd like to buy some / 我想买一些礼物; I'd like to go / 我想去购物。

3 You can use What kind of . . . ? / What kind of . . .? in many , e.g.: What kind of do you like to wear? / What kind of do you like to wear? What kind of do you like to do? / What kind of do you like to do?

在很多情况下,你都可以使用这个句型:What kind of . . . ? / 什么样的'东西 . . .?例如:What kind of do you like to wear? /你喜欢穿什么样的衣服? What kind of do you like to do? / 你喜欢做什么?

4 / is to / .

/ 也许 和 / 可能的意思非常接近。

Key and 重要的短语和句子


A: I from 5 ago.

A: 大约5年前我从大学毕业。

B: What did you do ?


A: ? Well, I came to . I be more job here.

A: 大学毕业后?哦,我首先来了北京。我想这里会有更多的工作机会。

B: And then what did you do? Did you find a good job?

B: 那以后你做了什么?你找到好工作了吗?

A: Yes, I to get the job I am now. I've been here ever .

A: 是的,我找到了一份工作,也就是现在的工作。从那时候开始我一直在这里工作。

B: It as if you made the to come to .

B: 听起来好像你毕业后来北京的决定是对的'。


1. when you are the past, you use the past of the , e.g. I 5 ago / I 5 ago; I came to in / I came to in 2002.

记住当你谈论过去的事情时,用动词的过去式。例如:I 5 ago / 大约5年前我毕业了;I came to in 2002 / 我来了北京。

2. In the past, to use did / did, e.g.: What did you do when you came to ? / What did you do when you came to ?; Did you find a good job? / Did you find a good job?

在关于过去的问句中记得用did。例如What did you do when you came to ? /你来北京的时候做什么?;Did you find a good job? /你找到一份好工作了吗?



are you ?


A: Hi, Neil. are you ?

A: 嗨,尼尔。你去哪里?

B: To the City.

B: 我去故宫。

A: Oh, you'll do a lot of !

A: 哦,你要走很远的路!

B: Well, I it's good .

B: 哦,你想这是很好的锻炼。

A: . See you .

A: 谢谢。再见。

A: Bye.

A: 再见。


1. If you want to ask they are , the way is: are you ? 如果你想问某人去哪里,最简单的说法是: are you ?(你去哪里?)

2. When you talk in the , you use will: You will do a lot of . 当你谈论未来的'某事时,用will:你将走很远的路。












标签: 奥运 今晚 英语 再见 过去
