

英语作文 50 字(一):

my day 英语作文 50 字

was and i was very !in the ,i at home to do my and tv 。in the ,i went to a park with my best 。 were many , and some were 。we and our 。at last ,we went home for 。 , i had a time!

这天是星期天, 我十分高兴 ! 早上,我呆在家里做作业看电视。 下午, 我和我最好的 朋友去了公园。那里有许多花儿,一些鸟还在唱歌呢、我们一齐玩游戏,谈论我们的梦想。 最后,我们就回家吃晚饭了。这天玩的真的很开心 !

英语作文 50 字(二):

most kids like 。 like cats , and boys like dogs 。 , my is the 。

the are , not like the tame cats or dogs。 they look wild and hard to get 。 yet , they will be very and they get to know you。 the way home。 they are also to 。 they even what you are to tell them。 i've many how a his 's life 。 that's also the why i love 。 they you 。


马是强大的,不像温顺的猫或狗狗。他们看起来野生和难以接近。然而,他们将会 十分胆小,友好的了解你之后。马还记得回家的路。他们也对他们的主人忠心耿耿。他们甚 至明白你想告诉他们什么。我听说许多故事关于一匹马救了主人的命。这也是为什么我喜欢 马。他们永远不会背叛你。

英语作文 50 字(三):

英语作文 50 字:my

oh ,my is too 。i like it very much 。do you like my ?can you tell me your ,

看,我有一个舒适的房间,过来看一看,它小而漂亮,那有一张大床,一张小桌, 一个书架和衣柜,床在桌子旁边,书架也在衣柜旁边,很多好的书都在书架上,我十分喜欢 书,哦,是的,那有一个大的黑板在墙上,我经常写和画一些图片在黑板上。

哦,我的卧室是太漂亮了,我十分喜欢它,你喜欢我的卧室吗,请你有告诉我你的卧室吗 ?

英语作文 50 字(四):

英语作文 50 字:my best

my best

my best is ×× 。he's a very 。for , he his one hour of the real time 。he says it's he 't want to be late 。

××is also very and 。he 't need to to get 。in he gets the ,but he to 。he says he only when is 。

my ×× very much 。


我最好的朋友是 ×× 。他是一个很风趣的人。 比如,他把表拨快 1 小时, 他说那是因为他不想迟到。

× × 很诚实并且聪明。 他不用作弊就能够名列前茅。 在学校他总是得最 高分,但是他好像从来不学习。他说他只有在四周无人时才学习。

每个人都十分喜欢我的朋友 ×× 。

英语作文 50 字(五):

我的同学英语作文 50 字:my

my who 。she is a girl , she has long long hair and big eyes。 she 。she has a 。 we play 。 i like her very much 。


我的同学叫丽美。她是一个美丽的女孩,她有长长的头发和大大的眼睛。她总是微 笑。她有一个小弟弟。我们经常在一齐玩。我十分喜欢她。

英语作文 50 字(六):

50 字英语作文 my

this is my 。 his name is tom。 he has two big eyes and a nose。 he has a big and two ears 。 he beef , , , , pork and 。 he is good at and he is good at 。 tom runs than me 。

这是我的朋友。他的名字是汤姆。他有两只大眼睛和一个小鼻子。他有一个大嘴巴 和两只小耳朵。他喜欢吃牛肉,鸡肉,汉堡包,比萨饼,猪肉和白菜。他擅长踢足球,他擅长跑步。汤姆比我跑得快。

英语作文 50 字(七):

英语作文 50 字-我爱冬天

, like a ray of in my life ,no , no like ,but in my life , it is not , it is my 。, like a sea of my life ,no , no like ,but in my life , it is not 。 it is the for me to move 。, like a tree in my life , is no like the vast sea , is no like the fly ,but in my life , it is not , it is my 。, let me you in my own sky to fly!


英语作文 50 字(八):

英语作文 50 字-我眼中的秋天

in my eyes ,

is the ,

with a wind ,

fall to the 。

as if it is the of ,

in the of the fell ,

let us know ,

es 。

in my eyes ,

is the red leaf ,

in the warm sun ,

bee more 。

as if it was a fire in the ,

up the , the ,

let full of ,

let us know ,

is also very 。


















英语作文 50 字(九):

英语作文 50 字-电的重要好处

when you go to work in the and find that don't work, the jam will 。 a to be on at once。 what will if the be made of the 。 , we can tv , to the tape , nor chat on line 。 is to our life 。

how it be if were no !


英语作文 50 字(十):

英语作文 50 字-珍惜时光

, when i look back on the last six , i feel time is 。 i grow up and i will my soon 。 i need to the time and do the 。 i hard, so that i can have a 。 i don’t want to my time , or i will be when i look back at my 。

这天,当我回望过去六年,我觉得时光过得很快。突然间我就长大了,很快就要小 学毕业了。我要珍惜时光,做有好处的事情。我就应努力学习,这样才会有完美的未来。我 不想要浪费时光,不然在回望童年的时候会感到后悔。

标签: 生活 动物 朋友
